Suggest some good universities with keen examination on my profile…
Looking for: Computer information Science/Data Science/Data analytics/ information Technology etc…
Exam Profile
Exam Score: 322
English Test Type: IELTS
English Test Score: 7
Education Profile
Grad Level: Bachelors ( 3 Years) after doing Diploma 3 yrs (85 percentage in diploma )
Grad Major: Mechanical
Grad GPA (out of 10): 6.5-7
Grad Institute: Mandava Institute of Engg (JNTUK affiliated)
Grad Country: India
Passed out : 2023
Other Details
Letter of Recommendations: 3 strong
Actually , I have done with my schooling with 95% and Diploma In Mechanical engineering (3 yrs with 85 % overall ) and I went in as a lateral entry (i.e., directly into second year of B Tech ). In the second year, I haven't attended for 2-1 and 2-2 semester examinations, so that resulted in absenties…. But in the later stage, I have cleared all my backlogs and now I m in my 4-2 with no backlogs.